Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Latest Developments and Best Practices in Medical Practice

Welcome Message

Alternative Medicine 2020 is extremely privileged to invite all the eminent personalities from all over the world in the field of alternative medicine for the "International Conference on Alternative Medicine", scheduled on March 09-10, 2020 at Zurich, Switzerland.

Alternative Medicine 2020 intends to gather leading scientists, researchers, doctors, Practitioners, and Business personalities to share their knowledge and research results on Natural and Alternative Medicine across the world.

The conference mainly  features the theme of the congress "Latest Developments and Best Practices in Medical Practice" 

The main concern of the conference is to provide participants with the knowledge to understand the advances, benefits of these treatments and create panel discussions on the latest research developments to encourage organizational collaborations. 

We feel delighted to have your benevolent presence and it is great platform to showcase the various alternative medicinal practices like AyurvedaHomeopathyNaturopathy, Acupuncture, Natural medicines, Traditional Medicines, and Chinese or Oriented Medicines.  Alternative Medicine 2020  includes reputed keynote talks, oral presentations, Young research forums, Symposiums, poster presentations, and workshops.

Alternative Medicine 2020 is a wonderful opportunity to meet Global experts in a single platform and have an interactive session. We guarantee you will have an incredible experience with Alternative Medicine 2020.

Let's meet and join us to uncover the advances in the field of alternative medicine in Edinburgh


Organizing Committee


About Conference

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" ~Hippocrates


We invite all the participants from all over the world to attend the International Conference on Alternative Medicine which will be held during March 09-10, 2020, Zurich, Switzerland. Alternate Medicine 2020 meeting deals with the current research developments in its field, different alternate medicinal practices performed worldwide which are devised by scientists to treat various diseases in easier way.

Alternate Medicine 2020 is filled with workshops, poster presentationoral presentationExhibition and symposium, including a respite and regalement. I welcome you to join Alternate Medicine 2020 in Switzerland to exchange the knowledge with experts and allied professionals who are having an impact in the field of Alternate Medicine and will continue to in the future.

Why should you attend?

This international conference gives you a precious opportunity to meet the like-minded people and academicians which will help you to overcome the geographical barriers.

Organizing committee members of Alternative Medicine 2020 is assiduous to bring experts of each field of alternate medicine under single roof to provide the attendees knowledge of all the discipline of natural medicine.

Alternate Medicine 2020 will fill the floor with delegates, Exhibitors, Workshops, Symposium, international keynote lectures, oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presentations.

This gathering will provide you the great platform to share your knowledge, experience and research in different faculties that includes but not limited to, the types of alternative medicinal practices practiced worldwide, safety of alternative medicine, recent development and challenges faced by the practitioners.

Submit your abstract and grab the recognition with Best Poster Award and Young Research Forum.


Target audience

Directors / Dean

Business Delegates



Technical Staff

Alternative Medicine Practitioners




Manager / CEO


Business Personalities

Advertising Agent Executives

Alternate Medicine Graduates


Session Tracks

Session on: Alternate and Traditional Medicine 

Traditional Medicine is developing over years through traditional knowledge before modern medicine. About 80% of the Asian and African population has been following traditional medicine for their primary health care. Traditional medicine is considered as safer medicine since it constitutes natural products avoiding the harmful chemicals. The knowledge, skills, and practices in Traditional Medicine which is also called folk medicine or Indigenous medicine are passed over generations within the society for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and improvement of the physical and mental illness.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine ConferencesAyurveda ConferencesHerbal Medicine ConferencesAlternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic MedicinePseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session onAlternative Medicine - Advanced Treatments & Current Research

Alternative medicine is the form of prevention and treatment of illness using diet, exercise, chemicals, herbs, devices and manual procedures. These types of medicine are not science based healthcare but it provide equivalent result. Alternative medicine can be used as the complementary medicine with the modern medical techniques to enhance the procedure. The complementary therapies focus on relaxation and stress reduction.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Holistic Approach of Alternative Medicine

Holistic Medicine is the form of healing by considering the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotion in order to evaluate the health and wellness. The primary goal of Holistic approach of Alternative Medicine is that by having a proper balance in life a person can achieve optimal health and wellness. This approach is based on a principle of healing that it takes place with an agreeable relationship between the patient and a doctor. 

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session onAcupuncture

Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine that has a rich history of 2500 years. The basic theory of acupuncture is the energy pattern which is called qi (pronounced as Chi) that is flowing through our body is essential for health. Diseases occur when these energy patterns are disturbed. The treatment is performed by inserting the thin needles through the patient’s skin to various points and depth. Researchers believe that it can treat pain and act against any complaints.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Ayurveda and Homeopathy

Ayurveda is an alternative medicine which has an ancient Indian Tradition with an historic root of about 5000 years. Ayurvedic Doctors considers physical and mental existence and personality as a unit which influences each other equally. The theory of homeopathy is beyond the realm of physics. The treatment of Homeopathy is based on the concept ‘like cures like’. Homeopathy believes in the water memory where the substances leave the molecular blueprint in the water that enhances the healing process in the body. Homeopathy is used alone with conventional medicine and it is not an alternative for conventional medicine for cancer treatment.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Safety of Alternative Medicine

Like any other treatment, it is highly recommended to consider safety in an Alternative Medicinal products and practices. Depending on a specific the procedure, each Alternative medicinal procedure, and practice should have safety procedures on its own. Yoga and meditation are often considered to be safe for healthy people but the herbal medicines are readily available in-store without the need for prescription which will lead to a false sense of safety and security.  


Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a form of medicine with a history of 2500 years which includes various methods of herbal medicineacupuncture, massage and exercise and diet. TCM is more likely to be used in China. The basic belief behind the TCM is the ‘vital energy’ of the body is flowing through the body. Any imbalance in the flow of energy will result in the disease and illness. Many people integrate TCM with their conventional medicinal practices into their healthcareAcupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicines are considered as an alternative medicine today.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudoscience Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019, New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturophy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementary & Alternative Medicine, October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver, Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka, Japan.

Session on: Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals

Nutraceuticals are a substance or a part of a food supplement that is not only diet sustenance but helps to prevent and treating the disease or illness. Nutraceuticals can be used to prevent disease, improve health, slowdowns the aging process or just maintains and supports the functions of the body. These items go from proteins, a vitamin, minerals, pure mixes and traditional based used as a part of cases, tablets to sustenance that contain reinforced bioactive fixings. Everything from vitamins, supplements to sports drinks, farm products, snacks, and pre-arranged uptake routine dinners are considered as Nutraceuticals.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Arabic and Unani Medicine

Unani is a system of alternative medicine which is primarily originated in Greece and is practiced now in India. Unani medicine is used in the prevention and treatment of disease by including the use of herbal remedydietary practices, and alternative therapyUnani is based on the theory of the presence of some elements in the fluid and the balance of this fluid is essential for health and imbalance results in the illness. These fluids are called the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile). Thought the scientific research on Unani medicine’s health effect is limited, the animal study of certain Unani treatments provides some health benefits such as arthritis, cataract and brain health.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudoscience Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019, New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementary & Alternative Medicine, October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver, Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka, Japan.

Session on: Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is regarded to calm the nervous system, balance the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga is one of the most used CAM therapies in the United States in 2002. It is developed in ancient India which brings breathing techniques, flexibility, and concentration to various exercise poses. Studies describe that yoga reduces heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety, improves coordination, flexibility, sleep and digestion. Yoga also helps to relieve pain.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine which is natural, non-invasive and a self-healing practice. Naturopathy is based on the ability of self healing of the human body through a vital energy that guides the internal process of body. Naturapaths aim is to prevent any disease and illness by reducing the stress and changing the diet and lifestyle by avoiding evidence-based medicine. Naturopathy promotes healthy living and a drugless lifestyle.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Chiropractic Medicine

This type of alternative medicine involve in the diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal system especially spine. Chiropractic involve in spinal manipulation therapy that manipulates other joints and tissues. The aim of the chiropractors is to perform spinal adjustment and the other body parts correcting alignment problem, alleviating pain, improving function, and supporting the body’s natural ability of self -healing. This treatment of spinal manipulation is helpful for low back pain, headaches, upper and lower extreme joint condition and whiplash associated disorder.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Osteopathic Medicine

Osteopathy is a manual therapy which is drug free, non-invasive that focuses on the whole parts of the body regardless of injured and damaged part. Osteopathic physicians focuses more on the joint, muscles and spine which are helpful in treating arthritis, back pain, headache, tennis elbow, digestive issue, and postural problem. Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is the technique used in diagnosing and treating the condition.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.

Session on: Kampo

The idea of kampo is that the mind and body are inseperable and maintaining the balance between physical and mental is important for human health. Kampo is a Japanese traditional medicine which posess unique theory and treatment methods which is primarily originated from China. Kampo treatment uses various known materials as their medicinal ingredients like cinnamon and oyster shell. In Japan, kampo possess wide application not only in treatment and prevention of the disease and illness but also in the daily healthcare and fitness. According to the Journal Nikkei Medical about 70% of the physicians prescribes kampo drug.

Related: Acupuncture Conferences | Nature Product Conferences Traditional Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Conferences | Ayurveda Conferences | Herbal Medicine Conferences | Alternative Medicine Congress | Chiropractic Medicine | Pseudo science Conferences | Naturopathy Conferences

Related Association: Armenian Association of Traditional and Alternative MedicineAustralian Alternative and Holistic Medicine AssociationsAustralian Chinese Medical AssociationAustralian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA), Azerbaycan National Acupuncture AssociationTraditional Medicine Network (TMN), Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Singapore), Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (JSAM) , Association of Korean Oriental Medicine,  Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA)

Related Conferences: 10th International Conference on Chinese MedicineAyurveda & Acupuncture March 04-05, 2019 Berlin, Germany, 18th Annual World Congress on Natural MedicineAlternative Treatments & Holistic Practices, March 22-23, 2019,New York, USA, Annual Summit on Naturopathy Update April 19-20, 2019 Illinois, Chicago, USA, International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine December 10-11, 2018 Dubai, UAE, 5th International Conference on Complementory & Alternative Medicine,October 25-26, 2019 Vancouver,Canada, 9th International Conference and exhibition on Tradition & Alternative Medicine, May 20-21,2019, Osaka,Japan.


Market Analysis

The complementary and Alternative Medine has a huge demand and is expected to generate a revenue of USD 196.87 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research. the adoption of alternative medicine by people combined with government initiatives of key countries to enhance the revenue generation avenues.

Alternative Medicine market can be segmented into Homeopathic medicine, Herbal medicineNaturopathy, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese medicine, and others. As the demand for medicinal extracts has pushed to innovate and develop the new product line. In 2018 it was estimated that more than 60% of the total global population use some or other forms of alternative medicine.

On the intervention basic side, Homeopathy occupied the highest market shares as most people use supplements like vitamins, minerals, and other essential digestive supplements. The percentage is the proportion of people who consulted alternative medicine in Edinburgh.

Global use of Alternative Medicine

Complementary and Alternative medicine has become more popular and accepted especially in Europe than in any other country. It is estimated that during the last six months 25.9% of the study population had used complementary and alternative medicine which was around one-third proportion of those who had visited a general practitioner(76.3%). Almost half of the people had visited a medical specialist (44.6%) and 16.5% had used physiotherapy. The rates of alternative use were highest for spiritual healing(14.9%)and acupuncture(12.1%) and they were lowest for osteopathy(4.1%), homeopathy(5.6%)

Globally the use of Alternative Medicine is increased and drives the people because of their no side effects, homegrown definitions, and easy purchase A considerable lot of legislature and administrative bodies have created endeavors to find clinical facilitate for the consolidation of possibility medicines to assist enhance the market and treatment ways.




Future of Alternative Medicine


 Alternative Medicine refers to the natural method of treatment which is different from conventional or pharmaceutical medicines. The utilization of complementary and alternative medicine prescription is expanding quickly The World Health Organization orders 65-80% of the world's human service benefits as conventional drugs. The contribution made by traditional medicine to the modern system of medicine is worth nothing. As herbal medicine is the initial level of contact for rural individuals, after they need treatment it's imperative for governments to require immediate steps to introduce the use of traditional medicine to supplement PHC.

Complementary & Alternative Medicine Market, by intervention, 2013 - 2025 ($Billion)



Europe is the first in the market owing to the extensive use of botanicals, the other methods of alternative and traditional medicine in the regions. And it is the best in the revenue generation in the market. Asia and the Pacific are expected to show the rapid growth over the few years due to increasing recognition of the products which include drugs, dietary supplements, and skincare products. India and China being the key markets for herbal medicinal products within the region since they need a robust background.


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